
The Suicide Squad ending explained: your biggest questions on the DC movie answered - aguilarproself

The Suicide Team ending explained: your biggest questions on the DC movie answered

The Suicide Squad
(Image credit: Warner Bros./District of Columbia)

Cautionary: Major spoilers forrade for The Suicide Squad ending! If you haven't seen the Direct current film, double back now and come back once you'atomic number 75 all caught up!

The Suicide Squad is here, and if you've seen the film, you probably have some questions near that ending.

James Gunn's madcap adventure gets pretty wild, with Starro smashing rising Corto Maltese and Task Force X fighting to stop the alienate. There are some twists and turns every bit secrets come to light, too, and one member of the Team goes varlet and betrays the rest. In the end, only a handful of the team up are leftmost erect.

Whether you'Ra wondering WHO survived or what happened to Starro, we've got the answers here – so scroll on to run down our complete summing up of the ending of The Felo-de-se Team.

  • The Self-annihilation Squad post-credits scene explained
  • Everything we know about The Suicide Team 2
  • Where does The Suicide Squad for on the DCEU timeline

What is Project Starfish?

The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros./DC)

The Squad see something pretty disturbing when they get inside Jotunheim, the World War 2 era laboratory on Corto Maltese. There's a giant stranger starfish, for ace thing, and that's distant from the last-place that they discover.

Rick Flag, Peacemaker, and Ratcatcher 2 see footage of the alien Starro existence unconcealed by American astronauts and the beast past deploying miniature versions of itself to take over their human bodies. The Thinker then reveals the horrific experiments being conducted on innocent people, with small Starros attached to their faces: the more hosts Starro takes, the large IT grows.

Task Force X were under the impression that Project Starfish belonged to Corto Maltese, but The Thinker says the US government are hindquarters the experiments – and while Flagstone wants to take the information world, Browning machine gun isn't so keen along the idea. Atomic number 2 reveals the true purpose of their mission: to destroy substantiation that the US was involved in Project Sea star.

What happened to The Thinker?

The Thinker in The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros./D.C.)

IT's clear that Starro ISN't a buff of The Thinker, when IT at once asks (via a host) if the Squad are on that point to make unnecessary it from him. When the bombs upstairs accidentally go off also early and all in real time, Starro breaks free – and goes trabeated for The Thinker. Completely ignoring everything the man of science says, the alien snares him in its tentacles and kills him.

Why didn't Peacemaker wishing Propose Starfish going in the public eye?

The Suicide Squad

(Image quotation: Warner Bros.)

While Iris wants the world to recognise what the US were up to at Jotunheim, Peacemaker pulls a gun to stop him. He explains his mission was to prevent the selective information going public, and he's prepared to competitiveness Flag terminated it. Reconciler is all about, As the key suggests, serenity, and IT's clear this information would cause chaos if it became widely known.

What happened to Rick Iris?

The Suicide Squad

(Image acknowledgment: Charles Dudley Warner Bros./DC)

Reconciler and Slacken off end up fastened in a brutal fight terminated the drive of information on Project Sea star. Their battle takes them through Jotunheim, and while they inflict just about hard damage on each other, Peacemaker eventually gets the upper hand and drives a shard of debris right into Flag's heart, which kills him. It's a gruesome scene, with director James Gunn taking us deep down Flag... Ew...

What happened to Pacifier?

Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Charles Dudley Warner Bros./DC)

Unfortunately for Peacemaker, the mangle of Signal flag has a spectator – Ratcatcher 2 sees the whole thing and even grabs the hard drive containing evidence that the US government has been doing illegal things. Conciliator pursues Ratcatcher 2 as she tried to flight, and the pursuer is virtually to kill her when he's interrupted aside the reaching of Bloodsport.

The assassin was ahead near the height of Jotunheim, but as the whole bodily structure started coming lowered, helium ends awake riding a huge glob of concrete through with some floors, landing superhero-style in time to see Peacemaker about to sprout Ratcatcher 2. Crossways the moving-picture show, she and Bloodsport grew sooner chummy, and then naturally, he draws his gun and fires scarce As Reconciler takes aim at him.

In a callback to earlier in the movie, when Peacemaker boasts of having little bullets than Bloodsport, the assassin's bullet is small plenty to move through Peacemaker's, which way St. John Cena's character gets (apparently) fatally wounded.

During the post-credits scenery, though, it turns come out Peacemaker actually survived the stroke, and on that point's still much for him left-hand to come, namely good the mankind. Carry that particular plot-line to be picked up in the Peacemaker spinoff serial publication, if it turns out non to be a prequel afterwards altogether.

What are the mini Starros?

The Suicide Squad trailer

(Fancy credit: DC/Warner Bros.)

Starro might be one giant alien starfish, but it has the ability to spawn countless tinier versions of itself. These mini Starros flap around looking for a host, and take one by smacking onto a face, which allows them to take curb of the body and essentially become part of one big hive. They totally seem to flavor all else's pain in the neck, too, with everyone humourous and clutching their leg when Starro took some polka-dots to its own leg.

What happened to Polka-Dot Man?

The Polka-Dot Man in The Suicide Squad

(Image accredit: Warner Bros./DC)

Piece Polka-Dot Man fired his passionate spots at Starro's leg and seriously injured the alien, he didn't have the most glorious ending. The right way after satisfying "I'm a superhero!" one of Starro's giant limbs slams go through along him, crushing him. Later, it's discovered that all that's left of him is whatsoever blood and bits of his mangled upward, dotty suit. Unfortunately, wear't expect to see Polka-Dot man again in a sequel.

What happened to Starro?

The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros./D.C.)

Ratcatcher 2 turns her legion of rodents to fighting Starro, which in time starts to overwhelm the alien. Harley Quinn then flies, javelin-initial, into its giant middle, which allows the rats to swim inwardly and start attacking from inside. Starro goes dispirited eventually, and Harley then safely Re-emerges from its single eye. She knew that javelin would be important someplace along the blood!

What happened to Corto Island?

The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Charles Dudley Warner Bros./DC)

After Harley killed one murderous dictator, another swiftly took his place – and apace found himself with a mini Starro landing place connected his nerve. While the rest of Corto State's leading attempt to figure out what to do next, the ohmic resistanc burst in and violently take them all out, and the closing moments of the motion-picture show divulge that the island is at once in the hands of the multitude. Huzzah!

Which members of Task Squeeze X survived?

The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Gunn made no private of the fact that the majority of the characters would die in The Felo-de-se Squad. In fact, exclusively six members of Task Force X live to tell the story: Harley Quinn, Bloodsport, Ratcatcher 2, King Shark, Peacemaker, and Weasel. Every other character met their grisly fate at some detail in the movie (most of them in the helter-skelter beach scene at the start of the film).

Did Weasel survive?

Weasel in The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros./DC)

The mid-credits vista reveals that Weasel lives another day. The animal couldn't actually swim, which meant it was thought drowned when Task Force X was dropped into the sea off Corto Maltese's coastline. As it turns out, Weasel is fine, and is last seen hurrying away from the shore. What information technology does next is anyone's guess...

What's next for Chore Force X?

The Suicide Squad

(Image credit: Warner Bros./DC)

While the movie doesn't explicitly set ahead a sequel, thither are still some clues about what might be next for the Squad. The surviving members of Task Hale X blackmail Amanda Waller with the Project Starfish information, which could see them in her crosshairs in the future. And then on that point's Peacemaker stillness being needed to save the world, which is most probably background up his spinoff serial publication happening HBO Max. Apart from that, their future is big wide-eyed, and after the havoc of The Suicide Squad, the sky seems the limit.

Today that you're all caught up, chequer out how to watch over DC movies in order for the ultimate flic marathon.

Molly Edwards

I'm a self-employed Entertainment Author here at GamesRadar+, covering all things film and TV for our Total Film and SFX sections. I previously worked connected the Walter Elias Disney magazines team at Present Media, and likewise wrote on the CBeebies, MEGA!, and Star topology Wars Galax titles after getting my Atomic number 56 in English.


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